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St Phillip AME Church promotes a Howardite Service St Phillip AME Church promotes a Howardite Service

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St Phillip AME Church promotes a Howardite Service

Posted on Fri, Jan 21, 2011

The St Phillip AME Church is sponsoring a Howard Academy spiritual service. The church is inviting all graduates of Howard Academy Hign School to join them on this occassion.

The Program Sponsors are asking that each class be represented at this occassion.  Richard Roberts of the class of 64 and Gloria Norton of the class of 66 are the sponsors.  Bishop Anthony Webster will be the guest minister for this event and is a member of the class of 64.  Join us in the fight for truth and certantity in an age of deception. The service is scheduled for 3:00 PM at St. Phillip AME Church.  Pastor is Rev. Tisdale. Monticello, Florida.

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