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Bishop Webster, Moderator at St Phillip AME Church Bishop Webster, Moderator at St Phillip AME Church

C:\Users\AGAPE New Life Minis\Pictures\2012-01-23 HA CLASS 1964\HA CLASS 1964 001.JPG
C:\Users\AGAPE New Life Minis\Pictures\2012-01-23 HA CLASS 1964\HA CLASS 1964 001.JPG
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Bishop Webster, Moderator at St Phillip AME Church

Posted on Mon, Jan 23, 2012

Bishop Webster was the moderator for the Howard Academy Class Worship Service at St. Phillip AME Church, Monticello, Florida

Bishop Webster takes a picture with several of his Howard Academy Class of 64 classmates. There are 4 preachers in his class. Three were in this picture. The classmates in the picture are as follows from left to right: Rev Joseph Francis, Rose Mary Plummer,Rev. Lee Ernest Plummer, Elouise Howard, Bishop Anthony Webster, Ned Hill Jr, Leon Hightower, Barbara Blow and Richard Roberts. Leon Hightower, Rose Mary Plummer and Richard Roberts were members of St. Phillip AME Church.

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